Moved Out and Ready To Start Summer
WOW! Year one has come and gone. This year I absolutely feel in love with Cal Poly and San Luis Obispo. Last September I was a little nervous packing up my life and driving hundreds of miles away from my friends and family. I expected to make new friends in San Luis Obispo, but I did not expect these people to have as huge of an impact, as they had on my life. This year at Poly, I was so lucky to have a roommate, who was the one of the most selfless people I know and the funnest friends on campus. It was really hard to move out of Fremont Hall, my home for the past ten months. I did not like seeing my favorite people packing up their cars and driving to Montana.
One of my favorite people: My roommate (I'm sorry, My old roommate) One of my Favorite Places: Montana De Oro |
Best Friends in the world. |
This year was challenging, but it was also extremely rewarding. As it concludes, I am more excited for next September than ever before. I am so very excited an blessed to be serving on the Cal Poly CFFA officer team, the Cal Poly Inter Housing Council Executive Board, and as the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow's 2nd Vice-President. I am a better person today, than I was 10 months ago directly because of these three organizations and I am very excited to invest in these organizations and those who they serve.
Tomorrow is a big day. Tomorrow I being my first day as a Congressional Intern. I'm really excited that I can finally apply things I've learned as far back as California FFA's Sacramento Leadership Experience to my Cal Poly, California Constitution and Government Course. For many years, I have worked to improve my skills in communications and publicity. This my my opportunity to use this skills in a real world situation. On top of this, I will be working to tie up loose ends on the two, I repeat myself, two part time jobs, I hope to be working.

On top of all of this, I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. I can walk just two blocks in multiple directions and be on the beach. One of my favorite places, Montana De Oro State Park is a walking distance away and the Elfin Forest, pirates, elves, farmers, and all, are closer to my house than the PAC was the Fremont Hall. I have done so much walking today. I feel like a little kid exploring in the back yard. This morning I walked around the Baywood Park Peninsula and this afternoon I walked around Morro Bay almost to MDO.
Exactly Two Blocks Down and One Over From My House. |